What are the possible filing strategies of the applicant?

Last update: February 21, 2018

What is a ‘filing sequence’? This is the optimized route that the green card application will travel. There are more than one U.S. immigration official involved in evaluating a green card application, think about it as the sequence of who is doing what when.

Why have I never heard about ‘filing sequence’ before? It is normal. This is a definition created by Immigration Planner.

What determines the applicant’s filing sequence? The most important dimensions are essentially:

  • The applicant’s and sponsor’s country of residence
  • Whether the applicant is an immediate relative or is eligible for a family-based preference
  • The applicant’s country of birth

How many ‘filing sequences’ does Immigration Planner manipulate? Our software handles 37 active filing sequences with 5 primary ones that we explain in detail.

How can I find the applicant’s filing sequence? Use our eligibility assistant.